What makes a good job application?

"What are your strengths and weaknesses?", "Where do you see yourself in five years?", "Why should we hire you?" - these questions are part of many job interviews. But which characteristics ultimately decide whether a person is hired or not? We put this question to Lars Wickertsheim, Director Human Resources and Finance.

Hello Lars! Before you are invited to an interview, you first have to apply for a job. What makes a good application for you?

There is one thing that – I think – unites all of us recruiters: we initially have little time per application. That’s why I’m happy about every properly organised and structured application. A consolidated PDF is better than 20 individual documents in five different formats. A well-structured application with clear content also says something about a person’s general way of working. In the letter of motivation, it is important that I recognise that the person has looked into the job offer and iSYS as a company. It is a shame if the application makes no reference to us at all. If the other person’s motivation is tangible to me, the chances of being invited to an initial interview are high.

When you get an invitation to a job interview, you’re usually really excited but nervous at the same time. Do you have any tips on how to prepare for a job interview?

Firstly, a certain amount of nervousness isn’t a bad thing – on the contrary. I’m also a bit nervous before every interview because I’m so excited to get to know the person in real life. You don’t have to worry about that. Of course, good preparation can take away some of the excitement. I would find out about the company in advance, after all they are the potential future employer. While looking at the website and social media channels, you can also make a note of questions that interest you and that you can ask in the interview. Of course, you should also find out what is behind the job advert. What would my future working day look like? What is expected of me? Do I have the right skills for this position? If you are aware of the company and its expectations as well as your own expectations in advance, this is a good basis.

What do you look out for during the interview?

Apart from whether the person suits us, I first make sure that the conversation takes place at eye level and try to create a pleasant atmosphere. I think it’s important that everyone involved treats each other with respect – after all, it’s a mutual process of getting to know each other. As a person, you generally pay attention to the person’s appearance first. This aspect is particularly important at iSYS as a customer-orientated company, as most applicants will later work closely with our customers. A person should also be curious. Curiosity is a great quality, especially in the IT sector, as you are constantly confronted with new technical developments. You quickly realise whether a person is motivated to get stuck into their tasks.

What ultimately decides whether a person is accepted?

We never have just one job interview. We get to know the applicants and their skills in several rounds. The skills they already have naturally play a certain role in the final decision. But what is also really important to me and what you can’t prepare for is a certain ‘glow’. When a person shines, is full of drive and wants to develop together with iSYS, you can feel it. Intrinsic motivation is the most valuable asset you have and if this motivation comes out in the interviews, you have a good chance of being hired. What’s more, colleagues from the departments in which we are filling vacancies are always present at our later application rounds. They are of course also involved in the decision-making process. In the end, it is important that there is harmony within the teams.

Finally, do you have any tips for anyone who is currently looking for a job?

Before you start applying for jobs, you should first think about what you are passionate about and where you want to go in your life. What can help here is to visualise your current situation and the desired target situation and write them down, for example. Then you can think about which job will bring you closer to your target state. There are other fundamental questions that you should ask yourself when looking for a job: Do I want to work in a large corporation, a medium-sized company or a small company? What are the no-gos for me when working with colleagues? What kind of working conditions am I looking for? If you have already had a job, it helps to reflect on what you liked and disliked about your previous job. If you are aware of this, you can actively look for job advertisements. In relation to us, I would say: If your profile fits iSYS, then simply apply – we are very excited to get to know you!

Thank you for your time!

Always happy to help.

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