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iSYS takes part in CC-Partner Conference 2024

The 14th Conference of Competence Centres (CCPAF) will take place this year in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems (MLIS). The conference offers a discussion forum for practice-relevant questions and application-oriented research topics in computer science, business informatics and geoinformatics and is organised by the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics in cooperation with the Faculties of Business Administration, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Geoinformation, Tourism, Applied Natural Sciences and Mechatronics as well as Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering and Aeronautical Engineering.
Who is the CCWI?
The Competence Centre Business Informatics at Munich University of Applied Sciences, CCWI for short, is a research institute in the field of ICT (information and communication technologies) in distributed applications and has been part of the newly founded Institute for Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems at Munich University of Applied Sciences since 2020.
What does the CCWI do?
The aim of the CCWI is to combine university research and teaching with the specific requirements and problems of commercial enterprises through co-operation with partners from the education and teaching sector and the business world. This can take place, for example, within the framework of research or development projects or through the joint supervision of Bachelor’s and Master’s theses.
How is the conference organised?
Networking through cooperation is the core idea of the CCWI, which becomes directly visible and tangible at the annual Partner Day at Munich University of Applied Sciences.
At the CC Partner Conference, the cooperation partners meet at Munich University of Applied Sciences for a get-together, present themselves with informative stands, attend accompanying presentations on innovative topics and have ample opportunity for a comprehensive exchange of experiences and intensive networking.
In addition, Ulrich Mayring (Full Stack Developer at iSYS) will give a talk on ‘Code in Pyramid Quality: Principles of Software Development’.
Information about the lecture:
Time: 14:15 – 14:45
Location: Room R0.007
Topic : Pyramid quality code: principles of software development
A software developer is expected to produce code that is not only functional, but also of high quality. In this respect, software is similar to many other products: if you buy a car, you not only expect it to drive off, but also that it will remain operational for many years. Typically, this is ensured by sustainable production methods using robust components.
In his lecture, Ulrich Mayring presents a series of quality criteria for software and explains development principles that can be used to fulfil them. Unfortunately – or fortunately! – there are, however, a vast number of such principles, which not only differ considerably in their degree of abstraction and potency, but in some cases also subtly contradict each other. Ulrich Mayring will attempt to bring some order to this chaos with the help of pyramids and numerous acronyms.