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Corporate Giving 2023: we donate to these organisations

For this year’s Christmas donation, we have therefore selected two aid organisations that we would like to support with a total of €3,000.
Our donation goes in equal parts to these two projects:
Starcode e.V.
Starcode is a non-profit organisation that offers free programming courses for girls and young women between the ages of 11 and 19 in order to introduce them to the diverse possibilities of computer science and to arouse their interest in corresponding degree programmes with an open and inspiring community.
Über den Tellerrand e.V.
Über den Tellerrand promotes personal dialogue between people with and without refugee or migration experience by cooking together. In this way, the organisation enables people to get to know each other as equals and thus actively shapes an open, equal society.
In previous years, our donations went to the following organisations and associations:
Münchner Tafel e.V.
There are over 960 food banks throughout Germany that rescue food that is no longer being sold and donate it to people living in poverty. In Munich, around 800 volunteers provide over 23,000 needy Munich residents with food every week. This means that 130,000kg of food is saved from being thrown away every week and is also donated to people in need. We want to support this and would like to thank all the people who are involved with the Münchener Tafel.
Kinder-Palliativ-Hilfe Niederbayern
Children suffering from incurable diseases usually receive palliative care. Specialists in paediatric and adolescent medicine and experts in psychosocial work endeavour to make the lives of the children and their families as varied as possible. However, the amounts provided by the health insurance funds are not sufficient to finance the highly individualised care. For this reason, Children’s Palliative Care aims to offset the remaining costs with donations to those affected. Here, too, we were very touched by the fates of the families, which is why we want to support the care of the children with our donation at Christmas.
Förderverein zur Unterstützung bolivianischer Straßenkinder e.V.
This organisation was suggested to us by a dedicated employee. Bolivia is one of the poorest countries in the world, where many children do not have access to clean drinking water, sufficient food or medical care. Life is particularly dangerous in the cities due to the high crime rate. The development organisation teaches local children how they can provide for themselves in the countryside, for example by growing their own food. This is intended to prevent migration to the city. At the same time, the organisation helps children who are already living on the streets of the city. It provides first aid, offers emergency accommodation and runs its own shared flats so that the children can grow up in safety and build their own lives in the future. We would like to thank our employee for this recommendation and the volunteers of the support organisation for their help.
Sternstunden e.V.
‘We help children’. True to this motto, Sternenstunden e.V. has been helping children in Bavaria, Germany and around the world for 30 years now. The children’s aid project is aimed in particular at sick, disabled children and children in need. This year, for example, the A.PPLAUS summer holiday programme and the inclusion climbing project were supported by the numerous donors. Sternenstunden e.V. runs a variety of programmes to help children in need. To date, more than 3,849 children’s aid projects have been realised thanks to the donations.
Ärzte ohne Grenzen e.V.
After natural disasters, in conflict zones or during epidemics: Médecins Sans Frontières provides emergency medical aid worldwide. The organisation relies on an international network with a total of 65,000 volunteers, 45,000 of whom work full-time. In over 70 countries, medical staff work every day to ensure that people in crisis areas survive and have access to basic medical and psychological care. Médecins Sans Frontières also provides special care for mothers-to-be and victims of sexual offences. Epidemics are prevented by providing vaccinations and catering for injuries. Another important part of MSF’s work is documenting abuses in order to bring about a change in thinking at international political level.
World Vision Deutschland e.V.
The international children’s aid organisation World Vision Germany has been involved in development cooperation and humanitarian aid in crisis regions for more than 70 years. In particular, it helps local children who are threatened by life-threatening poverty and hunger. It also campaigns for better education, health and a sustainable improvement in livelihoods. Long-term projects can also be realised through sponsorships with donors. More than 160,000 sponsors support the project in Germany alone.